Winter Retreat

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College Winter Retreat

As followers of Jesus there is an expectation placed on us to follow Christ faithfully. The way of the Christian life is narrow and difficult, and even the gate itself is narrow. This means things must be left outside of it. We leave our old selves and the world behind. The wide gate seems so much easier but it’s not in the long run. Anything of high value will cost you something. Following Christ leads to lasting joy through expensive grace.

In the face of so-called “deconstructions of faith”, God has deconstructed what the world values. Social movements of the world have no eternal value compared to the work of the cross. We want to help you see through the lens of the Gospel how you can be aware of false prophets and keep pressing on while fixing your eyes on Christ. Because when we encounter the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can and will change everything for us! 

The power of the Gospel is transformative. It takes hearts of stone and turns them into hearts of flesh. It flips the light switch on darkness. It resurrects the dead and breathes life into them. It delivers hope, it offers peace, and it changes everything.  We want you to come into contact with the love and grace of Jesus and experience how nothing can ever be the same once we’ve encountered Him and how the Gospel isn’t just a one time thing but something we need every moment of our lives! 

We will have Small Groups, were we will look at the story of scripture and how we see God’s plan of redemption throughout its entirety. Our Large Group times will be spent looking at how Jesus utterly transforms us through His word, His life, and His grace. 

Sign Up

January 14-16 // Camp Grace (Roberta, GA) // $75


We are so excited about the Winter Retreat this year! Here is some additional information and FAQ, but if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Any college aged student!

The full balance will be due on January 12 which is the last day to sign up, so please sign up early so we can plan accordingly.