Before you step foot into Connection Church, we want you to know that we really are all about Jesus. It’s not about Connection Church or about any one person other than Jesus. When we started Connection Church, we knew that if we kept God as the central focus of everything that we did, He would take care of the rest. Knowing who Jesus is is the first step in reorienting your life towards Him being the main focus. So here’s three very important things we see in the Bible describing Jesus.
Jesus is perfect. Let’s be honest, there’s not a single one of us who could say we’re perfect and when we read that sentence, “Jesus is perfect.” most of us have no idea what that even means. Still the reality remains that there isn’t anyone we could think of that was, is, or will be perfect. The perfection we’re talking about isn’t His appearance
1, but rather how He lead a sinless life
2. Whoa. Hang on. Timeout. You might be thinking, “What’s sin?” Sin is any act, thought, or motive contrary to God’s word, the Bible. That’s a hefty list of things, but Jesus walked the Earth without ever sinning! That means He walked among us as a man
3 without ever doing something His Father, God, told him not to do. He never said anything His Father told Him not to say and He never had an impure thought
4. He was perfect in every way
5. Jesus was God in the form of a man
3 who did something we couldn’t do: live a sinless life. That’s important because in order to rescue us
6 from our own sin, He had to live differently. And because He lived differently, so can we. Not only did He live differently, He died differently too.
“It is finished.”
7 That’s what Jesus said as He drew His last breath on the cross. What He meant was that His life, death, and eventual resurrection three days later, fully finished everything forever. You see, before Jesus there was a lot of work that we would have had to do to make ourselves presentable to God. For every sin there would have been a sacrifice and because we were born sinful, it was a process we would repeat over and over again for the rest of our lives. But because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, all of that striving and effort was now taken care of. All of the work we needed to do, Jesus did for us. That’s the good news! When Jesus died, He completed
8 the work God had sent Him to do. Through Jesus, we have been made clean
9 and for those who are in Christ, sin no longer has a hold on us
10, death no longer has its sting
11. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fully finished forever what we could not do – pay the penalty of sin
Jesus is alive
13! He died on the cross
14, but three days later He rose from the grave
15 conquering death in the process
16. What does that mean? It means that you and I, upon confessing our sins, repenting of those sins, and believing in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection can have a relationship with God that lasts forever
17. This isn’t a layaway plan. It’s something for you now that lasts forever. The Bible says that we were dead in our sins
18, but through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we have been made alive in Christ
18. That’s something to be excited about!
There are a lot of things people believe about God, Jesus, religion, and life. Follow
this link if you want to know more about what we believe about God, the Bible, Jesus, and also if you have questions about faith and life.
Jesus was a simple man. We believe church should be simple too. Interested? Follow
this link to check out more about our history and why we believe church should be so simple and how we strive to make it that way.
No matter who is preaching, our hope is that you will get something real. Every message we share will ultimately go back to the Gospel and give you something you can actually apply to your life. If you’re interested in learning more about Jesus or what a typical message sounds like, we have made all of our message content
available online for you here.
Jesus not only saved us from our sins, He saved us for a relationship with Him. God wants to have a personal relationship with you.
Learn more about what Jesus did and why you need what He has.
(1Isaiah 53:2; 21 Peter 2:22; 3Phillipians 2:5-11; 4Hebrews 4:15-16; 5Matthew 5:48; 6Romans 7:24-25; 7John 19:30; 8John 19:28; 9Hebrews 10:10; 10Romans 6:6-7; 111 Corinthians 15:55; 12Colossians 2:13-14; 13Luke 24:6; 14Luke 23:33,46; 15Luke 24:46; 16Romans 6:9 & Revelation 1:18; 17Romans 6:3; 18Ephesians 2:5)